Well, tomato season is just on the verge, and once you can get your hands on some fresh, local beauties, here is one of our favourite ways to enjoy them.
You will need:
1 Baguette
6 medium size tomatoes
1 bunch of fresh basil
A splash of vinegar (a nice red wine or sherry would be good)
A generous amount of olive oil
A few cloves of garlic
A few sprigs of hard herbs, we used thyme, rosemary and sage.
This will make enough to feed 2 hungry adults as an addition to a main course.
Cut the baguette into slice about ½ inch thick. Heat up a ¼ cup of olive oil in a large frying pan (try to get it hot without letting it smoke.)
When it’s hot, remove from the heat at put the thyme, rosemary, sage and a sliced clove of garlic into the oil. Swirl them around in the oil, and remove once they are cooked a little (be careful, the garlic will burn easily and give the olive oil and unwanted flavour). Place the pan back on the heat, and once it is hot again, carefully add the sliced baguette and fry both sides until golden brown.
Once the baguette slices are cool enough to handle, rub both sides with a piece of garlic, and then rub them again with the cut side of a tomato. Cut the tomatoes into bit sized pieces, tear up the basil and put the toasts, toma
toes and basil into a large salad bowl. Drizzle with a quality olive oil (we used Affiorato Extra Virgin Olive Oil which you can get for $16 from Plenty Epicurean Pantry @ 1034 Fort Street. www.epicureanpantry.ca ) Add a splash of vinegar, a pinch of salt and a few cracks from your pepper mill. Toss together and enjoy!
We ate this with Qualicum Bay Scallops and yellow wax beans from Square Root Organic Farm (find them at the Moss St. Market every Saturday.)
You will need:
1 Baguette
6 medium size tomatoes
1 bunch of fresh basil
A splash of vinegar (a nice red wine or sherry would be good)
A generous amount of olive oil
A few cloves of garlic
A few sprigs of hard herbs, we used thyme, rosemary and sage.
This will make enough to feed 2 hungry adults as an addition to a main course.
Cut the baguette into slice about ½ inch thick. Heat up a ¼ cup of olive oil in a large frying pan (try to get it hot without letting it smoke.)
Once the baguette slices are cool enough to handle, rub both sides with a piece of garlic, and then rub them again with the cut side of a tomato. Cut the tomatoes into bit sized pieces, tear up the basil and put the toasts, toma
We ate this with Qualicum Bay Scallops and yellow wax beans from Square Root Organic Farm (find them at the Moss St. Market every Saturday.)